Not many Seeing Eye Dogs get the chance to spend time in the Big Brother House.
Meet Terri and her Seeing Eye Dog, Farrow. The pair, who came together just four months ago, has already been off travelling up to Queensland. Read more about their special partnership here.
Thanks to all who joined us this year at the annual Seeing Eye Dogs open day. It was a day full of activities for the kids and a day to learn more about this important service for people who are blind or have low vision.
Leading experts are reminding dog owners that chocolate meant for human consumption is toxic to dogs. Seeing Eye Dogs Supervisor of Veterinary Services, Dr Nicola Cotton, said that although dogs find chocolate as delicious as humans it’s essential not to let them eat it.
Seeing Eye Dogs (SED) is thrilled to be hosting its annual public open day at its National Kennel and Puppy Centre in Kensington.
People in the company of a Seeing Eye Dog puppy, dog in training or working dog, have a right of access to all public spaces and services. Vision Australia’s research shows that many people experience discrimination when out with a Seeing Eye Dog or puppy in public places.
Today, a group of ten Labrador puppies, aged from 15 weeks to 14 months, got up close and personal with fire trucks at the Roma Street Fire Station in Brisbane. The event was one of the many socialisation activities the puppies experience at an early age, on their journey to becoming a fully trained Seeing Eye Dog.
Kingston Beach resident Dale Reardon has a law degree and a businesses background but usually it is his companion Charlie who people want to know about first when he knocks on doors and asks for support in this month’s council elections.
It is hard not to want to pat golden retriever labrador cross Ollie. But as a seeing eye dog, patting him could be what puts Ollie and his owner Alan Nemeth in danger.
Loyal companion Mitchell is more than just a dog to Shepparton's Ron Murley he is also his eyes.