
It feels like Christmas has come early at Vision Australia’s Seeing Eye Dogs’ Melbourne headquarters, with a huge influx of puppies over December.
For most of us, getting out and about is something we take for granted, but for those who are blind or have low vision, crossing the street, getting on a bus or train, or just being able to work out where they are while outdoors, at playtime or in the midst of traffic and other pedestrians, can pose challenges.
Tony Sarre’s life changed for the better even before he was paired with his new Seeing Eye Dog.
With Seeing Eye Dog Rowan by her side, young mother Melissa Danher always has the confidence to head out into the world.
An Australian-first research project about the effect assistance dogs have on the health and quality of life of a person living with younger onset dementia, and the wellbeing of those providing their care, is showing promising results.
Could you care for a future Seeing Eye Dog?
Krista was born blind and born to be a mother.
Seeing Eye Dogs has welcomed another litter and is calling on Victorians and Queenslanders to become puppy carers.
Join us at the Dog Lovers' Show in Melbourne this Friday through to Sunday.
Share your favourite Seeing Eye Dog photo with us for a chance to win a $200 voucher and be featured in the 2018 Seeing Eye Dog Calendar.