Eligibility criteria to apply for a Seeing Eye Dog is to be legally blind. Individual cases outside of these guidelines may be considered.
We are the only national provider of dog guides in Australia, with clients in every state and territory.
Seeing Eye Dogs staff are also provide ongoing support for clients.
Individual designed training is generally residential or domiciliary training can be considered.
Training process
The training process is around 2-3 weeks of residential training, and 1-2 weeks in the clients home area.
All travel and accommodation costs are covered by Seeing Eye Dogs.
As our national training headquarters is in Victoria, clients from Victoria and other states including NSW, SA and TAS will complete their training while based at the client residential training accommodation in Victoria.
We have instructors based in NSW, WA and QLD and clients from those states will be trained there. NT clients will be trained by our QLD instructors in their own state.
Consideration to change these training arrangements can be looked at on a case by case basis (ie: domiciliary training).
Training arrangements for each state
Our training residence is located within 100 metres from our office. The training residence is where clients will stay for the duration of their residential training.
Other states
Clients can either be trained from home, in centrally located accommodation in their state, or we can assist in travel to Victoria for their residential training.
Seeing Eye Dogs support group

A group of very experienced Seeing Eye Dog handlers are ready and willing to chat over the phone, correspond by email, by audio or by braille.
The support contacts are not experts in training or animal behaviour. They are people who have had working dogs for some time and are willing to share their experiences with you, your family and friends.
Anyone who has trained with their first Seeing Eye Dog knows the anticipation of receiving the correspondence starts you thinking about so many things, such as:
- What sort of changes will I need to make in my own home for a dog?
- Where will I be able to take my dog?
- How will my family react?
- Will this dog really make a difference in my life?
This is an exciting journey for you and those who share your life. Like anything else you tackle in your lifetime, information will make the journey that little bit easier.
Support group details
Kate Watkins, Victoria
Kate has been associated with the organisation since 1969, having received eight Seeing Eye Dogs over that time – the first in 1974. Kate has also twice worked for SED. Kate’s current Seeing Eye Dog is Kramer.
Kate’s contact details:
Email: [email protected]
Phone: 03 9752 1255 (after 6pm please)
Brent Franklin, Victoria
Brent has Seeing Eye Dog Yorick. At varying times Brent has been president of organizations such as Blind Cricket, VIC Swish and Access Audio.
Brent’s contact details:
Email: [email protected]
Phone: 03 9263 2444 or 0412 704 749