Have you ever craved a bigger, bolder life? To break through your own barriers, and discover what’s possible?
Ros did. But she’s legally blind.
You can help people like Ros live the life they choose by helping to train more Seeing Eye Dogs.
It takes up to two years and more than $50,000 to train a Seeing Eye Dog.
This means the waiting list is desperately long, with many people waiting more than a year for a chance to live their life to the fullest.
Before she was matched with Ringo, Ros’s life was restricted and frustrating. With two degenerative eye conditions, she said she felt she was living in a grey world. She’d stopped going out.
Now with Ringo by her side, she’s not only going out, but she’s going on far-flung adventures. They go hiking together in national parks. They’ve visited the Northern Territory, explored Uluru and travelled by train all the way to Darwin.
Ros is living the life she’s always dreamed of.
When you’re blind or have low vision, every day is an adventure. For some people, the adventure is finally being able to go to the shops by themselves. Or be able to take a job that involves commuting. Or being able to play sport and be part of their community.
Your gift to help train a Seeing Eye Dog is a gift of adventure that will transform lives.
Please give generously today.